Weedram Distillery 4mm/OO
Weedram Distillery was conceived as a ʻget something runningʼ layout which would not take up a large amount of space at home, but would still provide a reasonable amount of operational interest. The builder has always had an interest in industrial railways and, future plans for a larger layout that will have a distillery connection mean that, stock built for Weedram will also be able to be used on the next project.
Although not based on one specific location, it draws much inspiration from the various distilleries found in Speyside, Scotland. The railway line that served these unfortunately closed in the late-1960s, even though most are still in business to this day.
The time period for the layout is the 1960s-1970s when the wagons in use were still mainly the traditional shorter wheelbase types, an obvious advantage on such a small-sized model. As would be expected, traffic is varied, but small in quantity. Incoming grain and coal can be seen, along with the outgoing finished ʻliquid goldʼ in vans or open wagons carrying casks.
Because of the original reason for building the layout, it has been constructed using leftover wood and track without the need to purchase much more. The trackwork is Peco code 75 and the same manufacturerʼs point motors. Control is conventional DC using a Gaugemaster handheld device. The buildings are a mixture of scratch and kit-built, the latter coming from Skytrex and Heljan. Rolling stock is mainly ready-to run with the motive power options being greatly enhanced by the number of industrial locomotives that have been produced 4mm scale in recent years. It is hoped you will enjoy Weedram!