The inspiration for this layout is an addition of several different ideas collected over a period of time. Small sized, or lately termed ‘micro layouts’ are nothing new, however the heaving and shifting of much larger layouts does have drawbacks, particularly at closing time at the end of a show, and a small, quick to set-up and dismantle layout has obvious advantages, together with the ability to transport in a ‘family car’.
Many track plans in magazines also provided inspiration, but Town Wall Yard was developed to fit the available baseboard size. And the board? It was found in the garage after builders left! It is a single piece of 19mm MDF being 54 inches(1370mm) long by 14 inches (355mm) wide. Much of the other items for the leg supports together with the ‘Fiddle Yard’ are re-cycled material.
While reading about the Shropshire Union Railway another inspiration turned up. Here was noted that, tucked away out of sight of the main line in Shrewsbury, was ‘Shropshire Union / L&NWR’ goods yard. It was indeed very compact and was connected to a single line entering under a road bridge with the whole yard surrounded by buildings, including Shrewsbury Prison! This yard provided many of the facilities needed by a large town and its population. Obviously a small layout can only be symbolic of such a location, therefore shunting of wagons into and out of the yard forms the basis for the layout’s operation.
Shrewsbury’s former goods yard now forms part of the station’s ‘Pay and Display’ car park.
Any Town Wall Yard exhibition bookings are shown in our Events Calendar page.
You can download a copy of the Exhibition Manager’s details for this layout if you click here.
Owner: Cliff Homer