Barnetby – 2
Today we have another visit to Barnetby. These photos were taken back in July 2013 when the sun was shining and it was a very warm day. Hopefully it will dispel the blues of the cold grey January weather! As mentioned in the last Barnetby post, it was a great place for train watching. Right-click on the photos and choose “View image” to see the high-res version.
Freightliner 66525 on an empty coal train arrives in the eastbound loop platform and awaits permission to proceed.
Not long after, the Kingsbury oil train hauled by what appears to be a recently painted 60039 in DB Schenker red.
Shortly after 60039 has passed, an eastbound empty iron ore train from Scunthorpe to Immingham behind 66109.
Next, an eastbound Trans-Pennine class 185, 185118, heading towards Grmsby and Cleethorpes.
At last, 66525 is given the right-away from the loop to continue its journey to Immingham.
Another train arrives in the eastbound loop. The driver takes advantage of the wait to catch a few rays.
Next to arrive is a westbound Trans-Pennine service to Manchester Airport.
Following the Trans-Pennine service is a westbound coal train taking the loop.
Just as the coal train is passing, 66162 gets the go ahead from its prolonged stop.
Curiously, nothing else passed in that direction so it’s a bit of a mystery as to why it was held in the station.
The parade continues with 66142 on iron ore for Scunthorpe.
EWS 66164 on yet another loaded coal train out of Immingham docks.
Finally, East Midlands 153378 departs towards Grimsby Town.
According to the file data, all these photos were taken between 12.01 and 13.09. Fantastic action in such a short time.