Birmingham Moor St

Birmingham Moor Street 4mm FS

Birmingham Moor Street was originally built as an entry to the 2007 DEMU Minories Challenge. Subsequently it was enlarged and entered for the Scalefour Society’s Diesel and Electric Layout Challenge, where it was awarded a Highly Commended certificate. The layout represents the terminus side of Moor Street station in central Birmingham, which opened in 1909. Moor Street terminus handled suburban services to the south of the city, Leamington Spa, and Stratford-upon-Avon, until replaced by the current through station, when Snow Hill re-opened in 1987.

The layout can be operated either in the transition period between steam and diesel traction or in the British Rail corporate era of the late ’70s and early ’80s. In the former era, most suburban services are in the hands of DMUs, but some steamhauled trains are still to be seen. Freight and parcels trains reverse here, in order to use the connection to the neighbouring goods depot. In the later era, suburban services are now entirely in the capable hands of DMUs, and we have imagined that the goods depot has not closed, so freight and parcels trains can also be seen.

We extended the layout both length- and width-ways for the Scalefour Society Challenge , to permit longer platforms and include one of the three wagon hoists which served the lower level of the goods depot. Although the layout has been simplified and shortened to fit the space available, the key features of Moor Street’s station building and three platforms are modelled, including one of the traversers. Control is by Lenz DCC or by conventional DC. Working signals, operated by model aircraft servos, have been scratchbuilt by members of the WMAG, as were the structures and scenic features. We hope you enjoy our slice of Birmingham nostalgia.

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