Westmoor Junction

Westmoor Junction 4mm OO

Westmoor Junction is entirely fictitious and was designed to be either a through station/junction or an end of line which resulted from rail closures, both by using a fiddle yard at each end.  This track plan was chosen to give it the maximum operating potential.

The layout is usually operated in the BR Blue period with a variety of passenger and freight stock been used.

The scenic board was constructed to be as big as readily transportable/portable thereby removing the need for joints in the scenery, a worthy aim until you change to a smaller car!

The baseboards are constructed from 4mm plywood sheet to minimise the weight and the track is SMP with Lemaco operated copperclad points.  The wiring has been configured to allow for DCC at some stage.

Aluminium cassettes are used in the fiddle yards to allow for ease of moving the stock and the layout can be operated from the front if desired.

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