Latest news from the Meyrick Road Team
SRC members who were at the club rooms on Friday evening had the rare pleasure of seeing a loco trundling around Meyrick Road again. After many months of work the rewiring of the fiddle yard is almost completed.
The team send their especial thanks to Terry Neale for spending the whole of his Christmas and New Year completing the control system. He brought it in on Friday for testing. Some members of the team thought “better safe than sorry” as you can see from the picture.
Thankfully no major fires were caused and the testing went pretty well. The main tracks are working, although there is a small problem with changing some of the points, which we are hoping to sort out next week.
The team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and to invite anyone who is interested in joining us to come along on Tuesdays. There are normally team members in the club-rooms from mid-day through until the evening.
Doug Mobley (left) and Terry Neale (right) with the control panel.
PS Terry is due to attend hospital soon for a hip replacement operation and we wish him all the best and hopefully he will back on his feet soon and once again brandishing his soldering iron!