
A Little Bit About Us

The Circle consists of enthusiastic members who meet a couple of times each week to share their common interest in railways. We have several model railway layouts (details of which appear on this website), all of which are built to exhibition standard. However, you don’t have to be interested in model railways in order to join: the Circle actively promotes interest in all aspects of railways and associated commercial transport. We welcome members who are not railway modellers, but who enjoy being in the company of like-minded enthusiasts.

Would you like to join us?

We offer several classes of membership, designed to cover a number of age ranges and needs. These are detailed below. Further details can be obtained by emailing us from this link. If you would like to join the Stafford Railway Circle, please complete the form which appears below and click the “submit” button so that it is sent to us. Alternatively, you may wish to visit our clubroom first to see our activities and meet other members before you join. Please contact Colin Hill on 01785 211992 who will be pleased to supply directions and opening times for your visit.

Classes of Membership and Membership Subscription Rates

Age 18 and over £50.00

Under 18 – Free, providing that a parent, grandparent or guardian is a member.
(note that junior members need to be accompanied by their adult member whilst in attendance at the clubroom, however this condition may be overruled at the discretion of the Board of Directors).

Member and Partner
15% off the combined rate.

These rates are active from 1 January 2018. Reductions are offered for some people who join part-way through the calendar year.


  • Please complete the following form.
  • Use as many of the address lines as you require, but please always include the county and the post code.
  • A telephone number helps us if we have to contact you about the application. If you have no occupation (if you have retired, or for whatever other reason), please insert “None”.
  • If you are applying for Member and Partner please just give one name at this stage. Our Membership Secretary will be in touch with you for any other information we require.
  • You must provide a valid email address, or our server will not accept your application.
  • Stafford Railway Circle Limited is a company limited by guarantee. Each member’s liability is limited to a nominal sum – £1 – which he or she guarantees to pay if the company has debts on winding up.
  • In submitting this application, you are deemed to have agreed to this requirement of membership of the company.


    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Address (required)

    Postcode (required)

    Telephone Number (required)

    Occupation (required)

    Date of Birth (required) Please use the format DD/MM/YYYY

    Type of Membership (required)