SRC O Gauge Group
The club’s recently formed O gauge group project based on the Stafford salt works is progressing at a moderate pace.
The project is a representation of the Salt industry at Common road on north side of Stafford that survived until 1970. The layout will represent all periods of time from Great Northern days; who built the line, then through grouping up to BR days.
Should you require a challenge or to develop skills in O gauge modelling, this is the layout for you!
The operation of this layout will be purely industrial & DCC controlled; simplicity itself!
In order to progress all facets of this layout; volunteers required for….
Track-laying & Ballasting work,
Electrical work,
Scenic work,
Buildings work
The club’s O gauge layout needs you!
There will be a meeting of the O gauge team on Tuesday 18th of February at 8pm.
Otherwise the club meets on Tuesday & Friday nights.