Entertainment for these troubled times – II
The first page bearing this title was beginning to get a bit cumbersome with a lot of posts so I thought it’s time to start another.
The same format with a selection of links to Youtube videos covering a range of railway related topics.
So, here goes:
Monday 20 July
This week, a mix of prototype and model.
Starting on the model front, a video about scenenry construction:
Next, what is claimed to be the largest garden railway in the country:
Finally, a look at what was somewhat unique in its time – the Weymouth harbour tramway.
Monday 13 July
So here we are – Monday again. Doesn’t time fly!
This week, we start with a video about modelling automatic signals.
Next, a video showing a OO scale layotu in the garden.
Finally, a British Transport film from the 1969 about the effects of late running. Some interesting footage of class 50s on the WCML.
Monday 6 July
A varied offering this week with some modelling and current prototpye for you.
First, the modelling. A video showing the basics of DCC. Seen by many as a bit of a “dark art” hopefully this will clarifiy some issues.
Next, new video from Hornbby Magazine – their BIGGEST layout update yet!
Finally, a look at modern coal trains in Scotland.
Monday 29 June
It’s mazing how quickly Mondays seem to come round these days!
This week, an informative film about the stone industry and its transport by rail.
Next, how to model concrete and tarmac. Two common things in our everyday lives.
Finally, an interesting cabride through the Swiss Alps from Chur to Arosa.
Monday 22 June
First, a video previewing the new Accurascale deltic model.
Next we return to our Dutch friend from previous posts, continuing his series on modelling abandoned track and associated matters.
Now, a bit of a bonus. A couple of light hearted model related videos –