Railtour Photos
Here is the first in a series of photos from our treasurer, David Hughes.
To start off a series of photographs of transport subjects, we kick off with the Cumbrian Mountain Express with 46115 Scots Guardsman on Saturday 8 February 2020. Class 86 electric locomotive 86259 ‘Les Ross’, or E3137 if you prefer a proper number, hauled the train from Euston to Carnforth, where 46115 was attached for the run over Shap to Carlisle. It returned south over the Settle and Carlisle line. 46115 was removed at Preston and 86259 returned the train south back to London.

1 86259 Les Ross at Carnforth Loop having completed a locomotive exchange for 46115 Scots Guardsman.

2 46115 having arrived at Carlisle

3 46115 having turned and been serviced, now faces south for the return run over the Settle & Carlise line.

4 Carlisle

5 Settle and Carlisle line scenery.

6 46115 Scots Guardsmen at the north end of Preston station, about to be uncoupled for its light engine move back to Carnforth.

7 Preston at night.

8 Preston

9 86259 at the South end of Preston having taken over from Scots Guardsman.

10 Preston